Sometimes SILENCE says it all !!!

Spend some time ALONE everyday.. Remember that SILENCE is sometimes the best answer you can get ever from yourself !!!! Look at yourself In the 'MIRROR of INTROSPECTION' That is the only way YOU can become flawless in the SPIRITUAL MIRROR of UR SOUL !!!

Thursday, April 26, 2007


What is the state of mind of a person who is Soul Conscious?
Is he Calm?
Is he Quiet?
he speaks sweetly ?
he remains silent?
he walks slowly?
he smiles very rarely?
Will he tolerate anything even if we scold him, even go about to hit him?
Will he keep smiling always?
Will he speak very slowly?
Will he be loving and kind always?
he will not talk rough or never get angry?
he will suffer inside and outside he will be always full of smiles?
Will he say YES to everyone or anything?
Will he come under depression?
Will he be always soul conscious or only sometimes or due to something?
Will he feel hatred?
Will he become angry?
Will he be concentrated always?
Will he be serious always?
Will he feel depressed due to attachment to thing or person?
How does he remember God?
Does he like sweets?
How much food he takes?
How does he identify himself?
We have many assumptions or ideas about a person who is soul conscious – do we know what we know is a myth or just an idea or reality?

What is a real nature of Soul Conscious person?

There are different levels of soul conscious according to the practice , effort and attention?
In reality all the human beings if they are natural and relaxed , all act in soul conscious only.But the difference is identified based on how long we remain in Soul conscious.
The persons practice, effort and attention determines what are the situations he is able to remain in soul conscious and how long he is able to be in Soul conscious in that particular situation.
The easy identification if a person is under body consciousness or Soul conscious is, the Soul conscious person is alert, happy, peaceful, loveful and this nature will be at varying degrees at various times but he will not come under the influence of body by means of Lust, anger, desire, attachment and ego until he maintains the conscious of soul.
Is he Calm and quiet and silent?
He will be internally calm but outside he would remain either active or remain calm according to the health condition or outside situations. Younger person will be active and older person will be less active by physically. Calmness of soul conscious does not belong only to the body.
When there is no work or mind do not have anything to think, then his body and mind will remain calm, quiet and silent
he speaks sweetly ?
Yes but may not be always, his words will be according to the role he plays at that point of time. It need not be sweet at all times. If his role is of a Father or Mother, the words will be sweet. If his role is of getting things done, his words will be fast and quick but still within the limit of making others understand and words will be free of any animosity
he walks slowly?
If his body condition is good, he will walk quickly, will be faster than a normal person, because his mind is alert and active, with full of energy.
he smiles very rarely?
He smiles according to the situation but never laugh making a noise.If the situation is always relaxed and easy , no planning of mind, then he smiles to everyone and interact with smile. If the situation is serious and mind has to think, he never smiles.but he will be easy going with everyone.
Will he tolerate anything even if we scold him, even go about to hit him?
Need not be at all times. If he feels speaking will help, then he speaks and tries to make things clear and if it does not work he will remain silent.
Will he speak very slowly?
His words , if we think it is slow, it will not be such slow that others will feel to increase the speed of his speech.He can speak at any speed but will make sure others understand and follow.
Will he be loving and kind always?
He will be internally loving and kind always but externally others may not identify them.
he will not talk rough or never get angry?
He may not talk rough but his words may be hard to make others understand. Still the words will not hurt anyone.
he will suffer inside and outside he will be always full of smiles?
He will clear and alert inside even if he is suffering outside.
Will he say YES to everyone or anything?
If need arises he would not hesitate to say NO.
Will he come under depression?
Never ever possible for a person to come under depression if he is soul conscious.
Will he be always soul conscious or only sometimes or due to something?
Initially it will be sometimes and due to something, and by practice and constant attention the sometimes will become very few times and something will become very few things and by strong effort he can remain always in soul conscious.
Will he feel hatred?
If a person is feeling hatred , it is 100% sure that he is under severe body consciousness and it is difficult to come back to soul consciousness once again. Little more effort is required.
Will he be concentrated always?
Actions performed in soul conscious will be accurate and perfect.
He can keep doing many different things because his mind will not come under strain or depressed by changing things or situations
He can stabilize/concentrate his mind anywhere at anytime and any number of times very easily.
Will he be serious always?
Depends upon the situations but internally he is alert, clean and clear.
How does he remember God?
Very naturally without any effort, very easily He is always connected to God, if he wants to be.
Does he like sweets?
He likes sweets but he will not desire to eat sweet because he is already sweet in his nature. If situation arises that he is offered sweets, he would have it.
How much food he takes?
He takes food that much (not heavy) that he will not feel drowsy that he loses his attention on soul.
How does he identify himself?
When he is not doing anything, he will identify himself as a silent point of light located at the middle of the eyebrow and when he is involved in activities, he see himself as point of light with all the Original qualities of Peace, Love, Happiness, Pure and Powerful located at the middle of eyebrow.
So constantly he is aware of himself as a point of Energy not coming into the conscious of body.


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