Where do dreams of the heart come from? Those thoughts and ideas that
seem beyond our reach yet fill our minds with possibilities. Do they
just appear out of nowhere? Are they a product of our imagination gone
wild? Or do they have a purpose beyond our comprehension?
Where do dreams of the heart come from? Why are we afraid to share
them aloud yet stay up late at night wondering-- What if?
Sometimes our hearts are filled with many dreams, sometimes there's
only one. A notion, an idea, an inkling that won't go away until we're
forced to ask ourselves, where did this dream of the heart come from?
Visions and images that seem impossible, far-fetched and odd. Yet when
they persist, we find ourselves wondering if our secret hopes and
dreams just might be from God.
The dream to write, to cook, to sing, the desire to garden, to sew, or
build, could be the seed God has planted in your heart to use for His
glory. Each dream is different and has it's own meaning but when it is
from God it has a glorious, everlasting purpose.
Why try and make sense of it all, none of us ever will. Instead, take
the small dream seed and ask-- Did You give me this dream? Ask Him,
He'll tell you. Then get ready! Through nurturing, caring and
believing in the dream seed you've been given, the impossible will
come to pass right before your eyes.
Where do dreams of the heart come from? Why they come from the Maker
of all good dreams-- God Himself, who is the one who plants the seeds
of possibility in our hearts then whispers, My child, don't be afraid.
Dare to dream, dare to believe then watch Me work
Sometimes SILENCE says it all !!!
Spend some time ALONE everyday.. Remember that SILENCE is sometimes the best answer you can get ever from yourself !!!! Look at yourself In the 'MIRROR of INTROSPECTION' That is the only way YOU can become flawless in the SPIRITUAL MIRROR of UR SOUL !!!
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