Sometimes SILENCE says it all !!!

Spend some time ALONE everyday.. Remember that SILENCE is sometimes the best answer you can get ever from yourself !!!! Look at yourself In the 'MIRROR of INTROSPECTION' That is the only way YOU can become flawless in the SPIRITUAL MIRROR of UR SOUL !!!

Friday, March 2, 2007

I'm (Not) So Lonely !!

"Being a loner is not being lonely. Loners look not depressed but radiant.
They are at peace. They don't crave others."

"We always exhibit just one aspect of our being. It can be our mind, body or spirit but never the complete self. Spending time with yourself enriches your personality."

"I get my best thought when i am alone."

Today we have anyone and everyone for a friend, except ourselves. Others may know of our likes and dislikes but only we know our body chemistry. So it is extremely important to be friends with yourself. Taking time out to do something that entertains you only.
Why should every action of yours be dictated by societal pressure ?
Why should you do everything to please others ?
We are always playing one role or the other and, in this process, we have lost our true selves.

In this world, where people are known by their associations, how is it that some choose to be alone ? They do not need others all the time.
In their sorrow, they choose to be alone; in their ecstacy, they choose to be alone.
Not lonely, just alone. By choice !!

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